The RFBR grant 97-05-64085 "Asymmetry of the Northern
and Southern hemispheres in the Earth ionosphere" was fulfilled in
the laboratory under the leadership of A.T.Karpachev. The project aim was
the study of the most prominent manifestations of this asymmetry and the
search of its causes. Such manifestations of the asymmetry were under study
as UT-control of the ionospheric global structure; longitudinal variations
of the ionosphere and thermosphere characteristics; variations in positions
and occurrence probability of the ionization trough and the equatorial
anomaly crests with longitude, local time, season and magnetic activity;
non-conjugacy of the high-latitude ionospheric structure elements etc.
Among the most interesting results obtained in the project the strong asymmetry
between the Northern and Southern hemispheres can be mentioned. The
example of the asymmetry for the nighttime summer conditions is shown at
Figure 4.
Figure 4. The asymmetry in the Ne distribution in the
Northern (top) and Southern (bottom) hemispheres for the nighttime summer