CORONAS-F Tracking


CORONAS onboard Data Aquisition System

Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN)
Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam (Germany)
Satellite Ground Station in Neustrelitz (Germany)

Principal Investigators:
Prof.. V.N.Oraevsky

Scientific goals

Data Aquisition System, designed and assembled by IZMIRAN CKIT specialists performs the following tasks.
  • collects and stores scientific data during periods between radio sessions
  • assures precise time binding for the devices in UTC
  • controls working regimes of the devices
  • playing back the stored data for transfer back to Earth

Technical parameters

The system is based on Intel 486SX microprocessor and Actel PROMs and is comprised of two identical devices, one of which is normally in "cold reserve" mode.

Contact address

More detailed information, data access policy and cooperation opportunities can be obtained at this location:

Last modified: Dec 01 2002 21:16 MSK
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